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We have a very large clientele for dentistry that is all of the United States. All of it. I have patients that come from Canada, New York, Florida, California, Arizona, Nevada, Montana... of all the United States. They come looking for dental service.

Thank God the patients who come stay, and they refer others. Why is this? The quality of service that they receive. The American patient comes looking for personalized service, good prices, quality, but above all is the personal service. Unfortunately the system used in the United States, is to make an appointment every few months and each time a different doctor takes care of the patient. So that when you are treated by one doctor and treated well, you look for that doctor, you expect to be treated by the same doctor - a level of comfort is reached, so much so that not even the injection hurts.

The most popular service in dentist clinics, throughout the world, I believe is rehabilitation - generally cavitiy fillings. Today there are less metalic fillings and most are using the cosmetic white fillings. The metal fillings should not be used because they have mercury, a toxic metal, such as lead. And today it is well known that mercury has bad effects in child birth, children become tired and can not function in school. So unfortunately until about ten years ago, mercury had to be used in fillings. In the United States, insurance companies pressure dentists to continue using metal fillings because they are cheaper, so in the United States metal fillings continue to be used.

At that time, my wife began working in a clinic on the other side, in Chula Vista, she is a medical assistant. And from there came the oppotunity to begin doing translations for a hospital here in Tijuana to charge insurance companies in the United States. So doctors here pay to have their medical report translated, that translation is then sent to U.S. insurance companies, so that the insurance company may authorize the payment of the treatment.